Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Hallmark Day You Fools :p

Instead of doing my usual standard soap box rant on the manufactured day serving the purpose of filling that retail lull between Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, let me give you an amsuing true recount of the old boy's vs girl's perspective. Quoted verbatim & definitely not fabricated.

Boy telling Girl:
"You know, my girlfriend is just so beautiful.... I think this is why she doesn't have many friends. All the other girls feel threatened by her and don't want to talk to her."

Girl telling Girl:
"The reason why his girlfriend doesn't have any friends is because she doesn't make an effort to talk to anybody. And as for her being attractive? He's delusional, she looks like a horse."

Is Boy blinded by love or lacking perspective? Is Girl being bitchy or just stating facts? (Actually, if you take it from me, Girl wasn't being bitchy. It just came out that way and no, it wasn't me saying that other girls look like horses..... :p)


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