Wednesday, November 15, 2006

London Lingo and other (generalised) cultural observations + “God-TV”

When people complain, they don’t “whine”, they “moan” (usually in relation to some “twat”).

People in the UK are “archaic” and proud of the fact that they only got pin numbers for their ATM cards last year.

“Brilliant”, “smashing”, (and I’m just waiting for the “eh, ol’ chap”).

Sarcasm is such common place in day to day conversation that it is sometimes difficult to tell when people are being serious, and when people are joking. (I learnt the hard way. Had one person mention after a string of sarcastic comments that he organised to have some special cable in his house set up so he could watch “God TV”. I sniggered, thinking he was joking, and ended up getting a HUGE lecture. Oopsy.)

Hmm, I wonder what God TV is like………


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