Monday, July 30, 2007

Loveboxweekender (aka I'm going to have Groove Armada's Babies)

Groove Armada..........THE BEST LIVE ACT I'VE EVER SEEN. Now my life is complete. JK.......

The Vibe: Circus Carnivale mixed with a little "OMG Please DON'T RAIN" apprehension. (Understandable when it's been raining EVERY single day. Good thing I decided to go on the Sunday as there was a massive downpour on the Saturday. Needless to say, I was dubiously having a "picnic" with my dad's English friends on the Saturday which meant: crounching-under-a big-tree-in-Hyde-Park-with-rain-dripping-down-my-back-whilst-drinking cold-tea-mixed-with-rain-drops.)

Who Goes to Loveboxweekend: I say mid twenty to the thirty-somethings, but F. seemed to think that everybody was kinda old, as in in their 30's :p There seemed to be quite a few toddlers and babies around? (Why on earth bring your kids to an event where there's drugs, alcohol and loud music....? F. called it "irresponsible", I called it, "they-obviously-didn't-want-to-have-to-pay-for-a-babysitter-and-want-to-prove-that-they
-are-still-cool-even-though-they-have-had-kids". And we all know that can obviously never be true :p)

(Above: aka caffiene, echinacea and erm....mouldy mushrooms...?)

Coolest Toy: Connect 4 - blast from the past......

(F: "How many in a row do you need to get again....?")

Saddest Pickup Line:
"Are you Japanese?"
"Do you speak Japanese?"


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