Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Nosey Fecker" Update

Finished work today and parked the car outside the house, only to see Elderly Nosey Neighbour hanging by his front gate. Yes, as in just standing by the fence doing nothing. Had he been 70 years younger, he could have been a delinquent. Parked the car, said hello and then quickly went into the house.

The housemate tells me that he's surprised that the neighbour hasn't tried to start up a conversation with me yet. Apparently he's still making enquiries about me.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What I Wore (to Work) Today

Let me explain. For my birthday, N. bought me a fabulous book titled, "What I Wore Today". It's one of those coffee table books depicting ordinray girls taking photos of....yup, you've got it....what they were wearing that day.... It's undeniably every girl's guilty pleasure: checking out other girls, and more importantly, how they pull outfits together.

The book's got me inspired, so I've decided to start blogging every so often about "what I'm wearing today", which is not going to be very often, given the dismal state of my wardrobe..... My "Move to Ireland" wardrobe is definitely not a true presentation of me and comprises of 60% work wear, 15% casual weekend wear, and the just cheap trackies & sleep wear.

Admittedly, I still struggle with the concept of work clothes. I buy work clothes that I think I should be wearing and not what I would actually like to wear to work. What I mean by that is that I think people I generally work with are +++ straight-laced and cookie cutter boring, so it's almost like my overcompensatory attempt to try and blend in and be professional and serious. The end result (at its worst) is generally the "prissy librarian look". (I recall one time meeting a friend straight after work, and the look on her face said it all. It said "what the fuck are you wearing." (Actually, she also said this out loud too.) Now, it's a little bit better and maybe sometimes bordering on "Geek-Chick-Looks-Through-the-Sales-Rack-as-she-doesn't-want-to-Spend-too-Much-Money-on-Work-Clothes". Inspite of all this, the girls are work still think that I'm funky - if that gives you any indication about the types of personalities that do my kind of job.....

Anyway, what I wore today:
I honestly feel like a totally different person Mon - Fri versus Sat - Sun. Sometimes so much so that I swear that people from work have walked past me and not recognised me.
It's the chain store galore - the anti-thesis of me and what I stand for.

White Collared Shirt: Target
Purple Wool Vest: Mango
High Waisted Black Skirt: Gap
Stockings: Myers, I think.
Accessories: I wear my glasses to work (as it's less of a strain on the eye when I'm on the computer), but mainly because I think that it makes me look more intelligent and gives me more cred when I tell people, "Do this if you don't want to die."
Shoes: Worn black leather Mary Janes, re-heeled about four times now.

Outcome: Closetblonde will never be picked up at work :p (apparently THE most common way people meet their partners.) Who would want to go out with somebody in allied health anyway. Not me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Nosey Elderly Neighbour Update

Nosey neighbour (the one who keeps on peering behind his hedge) was outside when I went to my car this evening. He was going to come talk to me, and then I got lucky and somebody else who was walking by intercepted and started talking to him. In the mean time, I got into my car and drove off to the gym.

Then when I came back (more than an hour later), he was still outside by the hedge. Unsure if he was waiting for me all this time..... Stay tuned.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Small Town Syndrome

Today I popped around to the shops in my trackies, no makeup and feeling a tad hung over. (Barry's tea was in order.) When heading to the cashier, I spotted one of my clients straight ahead and so made an attempt to go running to hide behind one of the shelves.....and in the process, ran smack bang into another one of my clients. He made a comment about my purchases so thankfully I wasn't buying condoms :p

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What I Wore Today

Purdy Little Birdie Dress: Purchased from an online US store. (I've worn this so often because I have nothing else to wear, and from the photos in my blog, it looks as though I've never washed my clothes :/ Eh, shopping sucks here, so whatcha gonna do..... There's a limit as to what you can buy online because you just don't know how things are going to fit.)
Silk Orchid Fascinator: Made by me :)
Belt: Thrifted from Brick Lane Markets, London
Stockings: Myers I think, back about four years ago
Motorcycle-esque Boots: Ben Sherman
Bag: Brown leather saddle bag by Dior (not shown in photo)

I took this photo because.....I have no full length mirror, and I can't see what my outfit looks like as a whole.
Going Out....with the boys for a pint or two down to the local.
I'm channel summer, but it's like fucking 14C (yes, in JULY). Realistically I'm going to have to don my raincoat and black jumper.
Going to: Strangle the next ginger who complains that it's "roasting".

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Like this Milk....

.....My visa expires today. Yup, still no sign of the work permit.
I'm crouching behind my laptop half expecting garda to come bursting through the front door armed with a sack of potaaaytoes......

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Play Time with P: Version 1.Watered.Down

The Picture Book of Fun: Destination London.

13:53 - Cork Airport.

I'm already sending out those London vibes with my ipod and paperback in tow, when I hear the Aer Lingus announcement, "Passengers flying Aer Lingus EI 714 to London Heathrow, your boarding time has been delayed, and will be boarding at 2:40pm for a 3:00pm departure. We apologise for the delay and wish our customers a pleasant flight."


I message P to tell her that I will be arriving a little bit later.

14:45 - Still in the Departure Lounge of Cork Airport
There's another announcement from Aer Lingus. We're now not departing until 15:30.

15:42 - On the Plane, Cork Airport Runway
After what seems like an eternity of sitting on the plane with the engine running (and nothing else happening,) there's another announcement, this time from the pilot.

"I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, something's not quite right and I'm not happy to leave without having it fixed. We're going to have to get the engineers to have a look at it, and we'll probably be on the runway for another hour or so."

There's a collective sigh of frustration from everybody on board. I'm starting to think that perhaps this is Fate telling me that I'm not supposed to leave Cork. I turn on my mobile and message P something to the extent of, "im STILL on the FUCKING runway! goin 2b v late!!!! will msg u when i finally arrive!! argh..... xx"

16:30 - Take off.....Finally.....
I'm missing the free Cara inflight magazine, and I notice that there's no offer of a fresh copy from the flight attendants.

17:30 - Standing in the Baggage Collection Area of Heathrow
After the multitude of delays, I almost cannot believe that I'm actually in London. I immediately call P who tells me that she's also running late and needs half an hour to get ready, and another fortyfive minutes to get to Kilburn for pre-drinks.

"Aren't your drinks at 7:30?" I ask.
"Yeah well, anybody who knows me should know not to get to Shoreditch on time," P replies.

Given that she's in Clapham Junction, land of the pain-in-the-arse to get to with the tube and overland, I guesstimate that I will arrive in Kilburn around the same time as P from Heathrow. I start brisk walking to the tube like a true Londoner, by-passing all the confused tourists trying to figure out how to buy an oyster card.

17:41 - On the Tube, Picadilly Line
I grab a discarded London Lite and catch up on my daily London gossip.

As usual, Kate Moss is on the front cover.

17:59 - Still on the Tube
After what seems like an eternity, I look up to see which station we're at.

Northfields?!?!! wtf?! Why is the tube so slow!?!! There's still like another 11 stops until Green Park!!

19:10 - FINALLY at Kilburn.....
I meet P, catch up on the gossip about the lecherous taxi driver making comments about P's body, catch a bus and then do a little bit more walking to get to J's place which is community hall turn living quarters.... The bathroom even has a "Ladies" sign. Typical strange London accommodation. We have time drink, and that's about it.

I demand to P that we take a photo before we get really messy....

20:11 - Destination: Shoreditch
As the host of tonight's events is running very late, J offers to drive to Shoreditch. Score! London at 25C is much too hot for the tube. Sucks to whoever is has to change to a different tube three times (which would have been us, in a parallel world). Shoreditch is cool, but is a bitch to get to. At this point in time, I wish that I still live in Bethnal Green, which is a leisurely 5 minute cab ride away.

Sitting in a car and being driven somewhere in London city is truly a luxury. I sit at the back and enjoy the view, although P & J comment that I occasionally look anxious sitting at the back. (I can't help it, London's crazy to drive in.)

20:47 - Light Bar with Heinekens in a Bucket with Ice & Cold Water
It's Beer O'Clock time! After a lengthy wait at the bar and a mad scramble for a table, we're at Light Bar over an hour late, and still no sign of everybody else. Smart cookies.

The English drink their beers warm (ewww) so we have a wait a while for the beers to chill. Initially I had requested an ale (P, "Ale?!! Are you sure you want an ale?!!?") before realising that definitely drunk warm over here.

22:07 - The Party Rocks on at Light Bar
P decides that my camera takes the best night shots, (not much of a competition given that the only other camera is hers). I am made the official events photographer which means not many photos are taken, as my camera well and truly has really bad flash burn.

After over an hour of chatting to people, I realise that my neck is hurting as I've been craning my neck for.....over the past hour. For the first time in a long time, I realise that geez, I'm short, and question why everybody at the party is a fricking Amazon. Then I realise that this is not the case. It's the English that are short (must be the water), and the Irish are also short (must be in the inbreeding).

22:27 - It's a Small World even in London Town
After speaking to K for a total of about 15 minutes, we find out that we both went to the same high school..... (K was in the year below me.) Yup, it's a small world.... Even in London town. By now, I'm starving (last thing I ate was a toasted ham & cheese sandwich around 12:30pm) so I head to the bar to order food.

22:52 - At-That-Falafel-Kebab-Place-That's-Conveniently-Located-Across-From-the-Bar
The kitchen is closed at Light bar so I manage to convince K & P to go for a wander to get a kebab.

While waiting for my falafel to be made, I insist to K that we take a photo - for old times sake because we've erm, probably walked past each other in the corridor back in highschool.....

01:45 - Things Start to Get a Little Messy

After the cleavage photo (which was actually taken by me, :p) I decide that it's time to put the camera away. As an after thought, P: your cleavage is now my intellectual property :p

02:07 - The Slow Meander Down to Gramaphone
The party slowly moves onto Gramaphone for some drum and bass. Iphones are whipped out (equipped with Google Map). We start heading the wrong way before somebody realises that we should be going the opposite direction.

03:31 - Messiness@Gramaphone
People are very drunk with glasses falling out of people's hands, drinks spilling everywhere. I start to worry that somebody's going to spill something on my head as I realise that I'm trapped between two swaying drunken English guys. One guy catches my eye and slurs, "You can dance better than that, darlin'," and before I can do anything (call it frozen in fear), in comes P with a drunken elbow saying, "Don't even bother, he's so not worth it."

03:51 - Cab Ride Back to Woop Woop (aka Clapham South)
P's phone rings. It's A. wondering where the hell everybody is. She got talking to a "hot guy" and ended up getting left behind. Oops. We had all assumed that she had piked early and had left.

"I'm afraid everybody's gone home, sweetie," P says.
"Can you ask her where were the hot guys?" I ask. "I really didn't see any."

04:30 - Bed Time
Crashing in J's bed. It's like a typical London bedroom where there's room for a double bed.... and pretty much nothing else. J's off camping somewhere for the weekend, and I'm sure he's probably boasting about "the time when he had two girls in bed". Never mind that he wasn't there :p

0:Too Damn Early am
I wake up when the sunlight starts coming through. Obviously J's opaque, cream coloured curtains are useless.

10:00am Egg Florentines
Me & P drag ourselves to a nearby cafe for breakfast.

Sunglasses are essential at this point in time.

11:36 - Trekking back to J's Place, Community Hall
It's back to where we first started. There's hand luggage to collect, and shoes to change. We pass by this sign which seems to be in keeping with this weekend.

I feel like a pick-me-up is needed before Wireless. Feeling kind of shit.

12:34 - In J's Car Driving to the Pub in March Arch When We Spot This:

14.45 At the Pub, Officially Thinking of Piking
I actually feel like throwing up. J thinks that I'm going to do it right then and there, and in great alarm, moves away in lightning speed. I really want to go to the Wireless, but I don't think I'm going to last til Basement Jaxx who are playing around 10pm.

"Wasn't it you who wanted to stay up all night last night?" P reminding me.
"Don't say that," says the boys. "Can't you see that the poor girl is suffering?"

Garr, my face is actually numb!

15:30 On the District Line, Heading Towards East Putney
My heart is at Wireless but my head is telling me that feeling sick and porta-loos aren't a great mix.

16:02 - D's Place
I arrive at D & R's place, in Easty Putney which feels like woop woop to the East Londoner in me. D's like a typical boy in a long term relationship - cleaning the house on a Saturday day. R gets me a glass of water and tells me to just sit down and relax. I must really look that bad. I start feeling my second wind, and suggest that we go down to the pub for a pint or two to enjoy the sunshine.

16:37 - Still at D's Place
Every few minutes, D looks up from his cleaning and asks R, "Now can we go to the pub?"
I get the feeling that I'm being the bad influence here.

17:11 - Heading to the Pub
Come to think of it, it is really a nice day.

17.20 - At the Pub with a Jug of Pimm's

I now realise that I'm starving, (last meal was the eggs florentine back around 10am). Food's needed to coat my stomach so I cautiously sip my Pimm's.

18:30 - Food FINALLY arrives

More than an hour later, the food finally arrives. (How long does it take to cook bloody sausages and eggs? The waitress tells us that they have a table of 50 upstairs - (oh really); somewhat hard to believe seeing that the rest of the restaurant is practically deserted. I find it difficult to eat as I now have gastric. It turns out that my dish ends up being the best, which is not saying much as R's fish & chips are oily and bland, D's bubble & squeak is just....bland. Safe to say we're never going here again.

20:15 - The Walk Back
I tell D the lame Michael Jackson jokes I've heard over the past two days.

What was Michael Jackson's last word?
"Take me to the children's ward."

Farrah Fawcett's last dying wish was for all the children in the world to be safe.
Then God came and took Michael Jackson away.

What's the difference between Disney movies & Michael Jackson?
Disney movies can still touch children.

I also do (for a nano-second,) consider pushing D into on-coming traffic when he cheekily suggests that I go out again tonight.

23:45 - Crashing on the Couch
I almost instantly fall asleep when my head touches the pillow, and I only briefly wake up when R comes down the stairs around 5am to head to work.

10:00am - Del Aziz

It's lazy Sunday morning! Leisurely Sunday breakfasts with friends is almost as good as that Friday late afternoon feeling, when the weekend's just starting.
I get greedy and order carrot cake after breakfast.....and get served a brick. This is hand carried back to the Republic of Ireland where it takes me another three days to finish.

Thus ends the story of Play Time. After three days of fun, one can always expect to struggle on Monday with a brain that feels like it's filled with cotton wool.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

WANTED: Illegal Alien in Ireland


Height: Approximately 5 ft 1"
Weight: 7 stones 2 (fluctuates depending on the number of potatoes she's fed)
Hair Colour: Black (NOT ginger)
Eyes: Dark Brown
Complexion: Olive/Yellow (aka "Indian" in comparison)
Off Duty Attire: Frequently has "insects" (aka butterflies) or feathered fascinators in her hair
Last Seen: Boarding a plane somewhere....

If Ireland was your human relation, he'd be your cousin Seamus, twice removed; the one whom you rarely see, and don't really know, because he's out in the country on a farm somewhere. You know that he drives tractors in his free time, and is easy going, good natured, and just that little bit slow......

"Shame," you say. "Must be the water."

Well, the Irish when it comes to applying for visas are just that - slooow.... After many months of pre-warning that I have to leave the country by mid July, HR decide to start applying for my new visa a little shy of four weeks to the time I'm due to be kicked out of the country. Three weeks later, still no visa, and I have a slight panic at work when I realise that:

1) I have to technically leave next week.
2) I am supposed to be moving house next week.
3) I'd be kicked out of the country while my manager is off on annual leave.
4) I'm going off to London on the weekend and may have some trouble getting back into the country, as I am returning very close to my visa expiry date.


I call HR who casually tells me, "Well I guess you'd just have to go back to Australia."


I call my local garda (involved in immigration) and find out that the guy is off sick, and will be for a while. Then I call another garda station just to get some general advice, and when I ask whether I need to leave the country, the fellow's answer was,
"Naut atall, just stay on, you'll be grand, but don't be leaving the country until you get your visa."

Only in Ireland would the police tell you to continue to stay (technically illegally) in the country, and to keep quiet about it.
In the UK, there'd be hell to pay. God bless the laid back, rural Irish :)