Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Fabric is the New Ambar"

London's music scene is so fantastic that I cannot even begin to describe it in words. (Even the "no name" djs are of extremely high calibre.....) Every weekend is like a big event which makes me wonder what the big events are like.... Conveniently, Fabric is only one bus ride away for me (and is coincidentally the same night bus I need to take home. Not that it mattered this time around seeing that we only took the bus back when the normal bus started working again.... Tee hee hee.....)

Here's a taste of a "usual" night out:
(Note that I almost hyperventilated when looking at the list...) DJ Hyper, Stanton Warriors, Soul of Man, Pendulum and Goldie played on Fri night just to name a few..... Andy C played the weekend before. (And yes, Pendulum played the exactly same set as per usual..... BOOOOO...... Refused to see them and went to watch Soul of Man instead.)

Another London observation: Guys over here are extremely aggressive, quite arrogant and cannot take "no" for an answer. Had one guy chase me all over Fabric - (quite a feat seeing that the club is so damn big) - even after our conversation of:

Annoying Guy: "Can I be extremely honest with you?"

Me (wearily): "Only if I can be blatantly honest with you."

Annoying Guy: "I really fancy you."


Annoying Guy (getting REALLY angry): "WHAT?!!!!? HOW CAN YOU NOT FANCY ME?!!"

Annoying guy (literally) uses his index finger to draw an outline around his face in the air.

Annoying guy: "Look at the face!! How can you say that I'm not good looking!!!!!"

Me (mumbling something incoherently while scrambling away): "Erm....."

(I would have deflated his over-inflated ego by telling him that he was ugly then and there, but I think he was about to punched me in the face....)

Meanwhile the guy's friend was trying to drag him away (to save him from further embarrassment, but he just wouldn't listen...).

Note that excuses such as:
1) I have an (imaginery) boyfriend
2) I am (pretending) I'm married
3) My husband has anger management problems and is on parole for beating up guys who try to pick me up

just doesn't work..... The guys just seem to go, "Well, you're husband/boyfriend isn't here so it doesn't matter." (I suppose if the outright "no" doesn't work, nothing will.....) Would have tried the "I'm gay" excuse, but I think that would have just turned him on even more....

It's probably worth mentioning that this is not an isolated incident. It's been confirmed by other people that the English guys over here are extremely.....persistent. Just had R come into the cafe telling me that some guy won't stop following her on the street...... ("When can I see you?! Why can't I have your number?!") According to this Irish guy I was speaking to on Friday night, apparently the English women like that sort of thing?! Eek.


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