Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lunch Topics from Hell

Today's topic of conversation at lunch was that my colleague's womb is the size of a grapefruit.... *Deep breath*....... AAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!! (That's what went through my head as I gracefully vacated the staff room.....)

Why do women have these insane pregnancy conversations..... I am obviously not coping with this whole growing up thing.... My worst nightmare is becoming one of those psycho goo-goo-ga-ga parents who only talk about high chairs and prams. (Actually, the nightmare begins with the word "parent".) It's time to stop having children, pple. More pple on earth = more pollution and carbon emission, which is some thing pple are conveniently forgetting to mention whenever there is talk about how our earth is dying. If people really cared about the earth, they should look at trying to reduce the world's population of humans.



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